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Hello & Welcome

Thank you for your curiosity & willingness to take your first step toward a more personal & powerful meditation journey.


This is an exciting opportunity to co~create a meditation practice with Jen to best serve you at this stage of your life adventure.

Not only will you design a meditation that will help you (re)discover & deepen your practice, but because it is personal to you ~ it will ease your ability to dedicate yourself to a consistent daily practice.


Designed with you & for you, this will be a recorded meditation you can take with you everywhere you go in order to live your life mindfully & in connection to yourself. 


It is an honour to serve you with this offering, so please take time to explore below to start your journey...







Take your time to go through & fill out the form below ~ being truthful with yourself & Jen as to what practice would best serve you at this time & stage of your life's adventure. You are safe here. Please know all information you share is considered sacred & will never be shared. Jen will respond to you within 24 - 72 hours to go over details to make sure the meditation delivered is aligned with your intentions.

You will receive your personal meditation recording within 2 weeks to 1 month of your call with Jen, she will let you know an estimated wait time depending on the demand. This will arrive to the email you provided. Take time to practice each day & discover how quickly a personal practice can bring you closer to what you seek.

It is time to dedicate yourself to your practice. Whether you make time in the morning, during the day or at night ~ it is our promise that if you devote yourself to this practice each day, you will begin to see significant shifts toward what you seek & aligned with your intentions that brought you here.

After 90 days of dedicated practice we trust that you will have not only deepened your relationship with yourself but also be feeling real shifts within & experiencing tangible change in your outer world as well aligned with your intentions for your practice. Please get in touch with us to share your experience:


For your personal meditation, this is an invitation to 'offer what you can' in return.


Please know your support allows us to:

~ Continue providing free meditation & mindful living offerings online

~ Continue caring for caregivers through our Nurture Your Nature Program

~ Continue supporting causes around the world chosen by our Podcast guests


We are deeply grateful to all who appreciate our offerings & are able to support us to be of service to all who practice.


The foundation of this service is our belief that personal growth opportunities should be accessible to all who seek them.

That means removing barriers to access ~ including financial.


If you are unable to contribute support at this time, we trust that the time will arise when you are.

Please allow us to support this next step in your journey, fill out the form & know we are already grateful for your future support in kind.


With love,

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