Each of us are on our own *unique adventure...
Are you experiencing a
challenging time of change
in your personal or professional life?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
So what are you currently experiencing?
(n.) tran·si·tion "The passage, process or period of changing from one state of being to another"
Transition can come because of change & choice we experience in life.
In order to simplify, we offer a perspective where it is possible to see two triggers for transition...
These take place constantly & feed back into one another.
Regardless of the trigger, there are common experiences that occur when we enter into periods of transition ~ as we navigate from one way of experiencing ourselves & the world, to the next.
My name is...
I am here to help you find comfort in the discomfort of your daily life ~ I call this Transition Coaching. ​ I am an End-of-Life Doula that believes the tools used to help ease the experience of the ultimate transition of dying are equally helpful during any transition we experience throughout life.
I believe that the Transition Tools offered here can help you navigate through this challenging time ~ finding relief is possible along the way, that you can develop resilience to face what is, as well as trust in yourself, so you can better discern renewal opportunities ~ to see that you can choose your response to change ~ not only about how to move forward now, but also feel prepared and able to find greater ease when future changes inevitably come, including death.
You may be thinking... I am already struggling, why would I want to bring death into it!?
I see death as a natural part of life ~ just another experience of being human & one we will all share.
For many, death is the ultimate fear.
What we don't realise is that... Our brains & bodies are designed to keep us alive ~ until they are not.
We can spend our lives not only trying to avoid death but actively limiting our lives because of it. When we are going through times of transition, what we may be experiencing can feel like death.
Death of a relationship.
Death of a version of you.
Death of a future you dreamed of.
To name a few.
I believe that when we are already uncomfortable ~ we might as well look at it directly. ​ I'm going to throw something out here that might feel a little crunchy at first... What if we looked at life as the perfect training ground for death? ​ To see our transitions along the way are welcoming us to embrace the unknown rather than resist it? To see challenging times in our lives can be opportunities to find comfort in the discomfort? That when we discover our natural tools for well~being we can thrive rather than survive?​ That by being aware & accepting of it all ~ we might just live a little bit more fully?
My role is to help you navigate through, and to, what feels good for you.
By helping you rediscover your natural tools for well~being ~ your brain, body & breath.
By exploring what comes only from being in transition ~ perspectives, practices & possibilities.
By finding ways to re~create your relationship with being human ~ your self, fear, loss & care. ​
Re~Creation Coaching & Programs can help you transform your experience of transition.
Helping you to find relief, develop resilience and discover renewal as you navigate through your perceived obstacles so you can see the opportunities to re~create your life & end-of-life consciously.
When we are in transition ~ a state of disorientation, upheaval or revolution ~ it can also be the perfect time to embrace the possibility of renewal, but we need to find relief & resilience first.
Transition coaching can help you...
Discover your natural tools for well~being & how to use them
Find inner safety & stability to navigate whatever you're experiencing now and going forward
From there create a healthy space between you and your experience to see purpose & potential in it
By doing this, you can find ways to be open to & trust your ability to choose what's best for you going forward
Would you love a guide on side to help you navigate your way through?
As a trained, certified & experienced...
Primary Caregiver & End-of-Life Doula Meditation & Mindful Living Teacher Recreation Instructor & Facilitator Not-For-Profit Initiative Founder Entrepreneur & Business Owner​
Academic & Field Researcher Expedition Leader & Planner Filmmaker & Communicator Public Speaker & Podcaster Water Therapy Practitioner​ Environmental Educator
I am no stranger to diverse personal & professional transitions.
I've become adept at the navigation of fear, loss, care & sense of self that comes with it.
I have been working in the field of human-environment interaction, understanding & navigation for almost 20 years & have been actively coaching for a decade.
My academic & real-world work have focused on finding ways of navigating life when faced with fear & the unknown ~ core experiences present during times of transition.
My diverse experience has inspired me to help others navigate their own unique path. It would be my honour to walk beside you.
​ Let my unique blend of expertise & experience support you in finding your natural tools for navigating your unique transition
Let's get started...
Through Re~Creation, I offer coaching, programs & retreats designed as safe spaces to navigate significant life transitions.
Re~creating your life from the inside out as you...
Below you will find our current offerings designed to help you begin your re~creation journey.
Just as there is no "right" way to live or to die, there is no "right" place to begin or end.
Follow what calls to you & feels best to you in this moment.
You can always change your mind.
You are your own expert, so trust yourself to choose & in the wise words of Pema Chödrön...​
Whether you prefer Private personalised in-person or online coaching with Jen, this can be on calls or written conversation...
DEPTH Learn how to face, befriend & live in freedom with your fears no matter what they are
Naturally become ADVENTURE
READY Become grounded in who you are & ready for life's adventures both in your inner and outer world
Truly learn to NURTURE YOUR NATURE Lean in and embrace your natural capacity to care deeply for yourself & for others in all situations
Find the PEACE IN PASSING Navigate grief & loss not as something to 'get over or through' but to be with & integrate in your life
This path is for you if you want to find FREEDOM
You feel your fears are stopping you from living a full life & / or making end-of-life unbearable
This path is for you if you want to find SENSE
You're tired of feeling lost, stuck & like you don't know who you are in the world or what to do / be
This path is for you if you want to find CARE AND COMPASSION
You're feeling burnt out, exah & want to learn to sustainably care for yourself, others & the world
This path is for you if you want to find PURPOSE
You're feeling lost in your grief & unable to make sense of your experience, unsure how to find any relief
Freedom is possible. ​ NOT FREEDOM FROM, BUT FREEDOM WITH... Freedom to live fully with your fear(s) Freedom to live fully with a shifting sense self Freedom to live fully with changes in care Freedom to live fully with your grief & loss
This may seem radical, revolutionary or too good to be true.
But our approach at Re~Creation is founded on the belief that through creating a safe space for you to choose your own adventure...
You can explore different perspectives & experience new practices, expanding beyond your uncertainty to see the possibility within your transition ~ this space between ~ by rediscovering your own innate wisdom, inner safety, intrinsic worth & inherent power to choose.
Freedom is knowing that in any moment you have the ability to re~create your life or end-of-life through your response.
"Between stimulus & response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth & freedom"
There are some foundational elements to my coaching that have been drawn directly from my trauma-informed training as an End-of-Life Doula, Meditation Teacher & Recreation Instructor, as well as my own personal life experience of diverse transitions.
Just as my training, certifications & life experience are unique, so too is my approach to coaching. I know that it will not be for everyone & do not intend to be all things to all people. ​ Even if you choose my coaching, programs & retreats, I will always be actively encouraging you to explore as much as possible. You never know where you will find what's best for you in any given moment & my job is not to "keep" you as a client, but help you to find your own freedom. Below you will find what can be referred to as my Scope of Practice & Code of Ethics. These form the foundation of my approach & your experience with Re~Creation. ​ It is my belief that life is a great adventure & no two adventures are the same.
My coaching is built on the belief that you are your own expert. Therefore you are my guide during our time working together.
It can seem nearly impossible to trust ourselves during times of change, upheaval, chaos & discomfort if we don't believe this to be true. ​ My job is to hold space for you as you return home to your Self. Through my offerings, it is my intention to hold space for you as you learn to hold it for yourself.
I will be your guide on the side ~ offering potential perspectives, practices & possibilities that can support your journey. It is your job to choose to try them, taking what works & leaving the rest. Please know that my coaching practice isn't perfect, I am also a fellow student of life. ​ However, I do have personal experience of numerable, diverse significant life transitions in the areas of Self, Fear, Loss, Care & Work as well as over a decade of experience helping others navigate their own. Explore more of my story here. ​ My coaching is built upon a three-fold process of befriending your brain, body & breath as vital tools for navigating, transforming & re~creating your life from the inside out. ​ Together we will rediscover your power to trust your Self & consciously curate your life. To reduce urgency, create space to respond rather than react & choose to thrive through change.
Times of transition hold the most potential for long lasting transformation ~ for you & the world. Let's make meaning from this time in between ~ choosing how to transition to what comes next.
Keep reading for the other foundational building blocks of my coaching practice. ​
"Death is the one thing we are all going to succeed at, so I want to be sure I'm living fully while alive" ​ My coaching is built on the belief that my job is to empower you to empower yourself. By rediscovering your power to consciously choose your life & trust your Self, you create a safety within you from which to re~create your life & inspire others to do the same.
All my offerings are designed to firmly put you in the driver's seat ~ choosing your own adventure.
My offerings are simply that ~ offers for you to try new perspectives, practices & possibilities to find what feels best for you. I will never prescribe anything. ​
"Enough structure to make it meaningul but enough fliexibility to make it your own"
Throughout my years coaching, creating & curating transformational change on a personal and community level, this has been my foundational discovery. I provide the container for you to transform but what you do within that space is uique to you.
in your own time
different options ~ talk, write etc
we all benefit from different things ~ some from talk others from body
"All things, come in threes"
Because we are all on our own unique adventure, it means that not everyone will benefit from the same offerings. It is my intention to offer diverse options for you to choose & try, finding your own unqiue blend of perspectives, practices & possibilities. ​ ​ My offerings are built around the idea that within our daily life we can support ourselves through practices that nurture our brain, body & breath.
Your sense of well-being is m ​ ​
"I will always be a guide on the side rather than a sage on the stage"
My belief has awlays been that coaches need coaches and therapists need therapists. I am also a student of life & it my honour to be your guide on the side, not your guru. I'm also not your 'rent a friend'. My job is to help you explore, experience & expand into a life or end-of-life where you are free to be, do & create what feels good to you. Just as I can be a guide for you at times, you are my guide always as we work together to navigate your unique journey.
Your autonomy & agency is my first priority.
"Past was Practice, Future is Fuel but Presence is Powerful"
We spend so much of our lives time travelling ~ whether aware of it or not. We often avoid to present moment because it can be painful. But, so to can be piningin for the past or fearing the future. In this work, we will see that pain & turn it into power. ​ We will discover perspectives & practices that help you navigate your daily life ~ living present with all that is & being able to choose what's next. We can explore new ways of being with the present moment ~ instead of being overwhelmed by it, we can see the possibility in it. Living mindfully is about slowing down long enough to choose ~ what if we took each moment as a pause to be before we do? In times of transition we often feel a sense of urgency ~ can we give ourselves permission to be present with the possibilities of each moment for what is next?
I am here to be a focused & intuitive presence for you in your transition.
"Quote about honesty"
My role is to provide you a safe space to speak & share openly and frankly about difficult things.
Whether in a Coaching Call, Conversational Coaching through writing or in the app Community ~ your full honesty about your experience is welcome, honoured & respected.
Safe to speak & share about...
Fear ~
Self ~
Care ~
Loss ~
I am here to create a safe space for you. ​ ​
"Who can you trust if you can't trust yourself?" ​​ My role is to be fully present with you during our time together. I believe that our full presence is the greatest gift we can give anyone or anything. This can look like conversation but it may also be sitting in silence together, while we allow your thoughts, beliefs, memories & reflections rise up to be heard. We can learn to listen to our brain, body & breath ~ they all hold unique inisghts.
My job can be to offer fresh perspective or practices to try if you would like, but above all my role is to be a mirror for you to listen to the wisdom you already have & remind you of your power to choose in all circumstances.
As we work together, my intention is for you to return to trusting yourself to respond to change & to make choices that are best for you.
I am here to listen & to learn together with you. ​
"True freedom is the simplicity that lies on the other side of complexity"
My intention will always be to help you discover strong roots ~ tools, pracitces & beliefs that are reliable, unsahkable & bring you a deep sense of safety in your mind, body & life.
It is from this space that we can truly explore, experience & expand. I don't intend for youto be my client forever, I'm interested in your ability to create the safety you need to then be free to explore.
"Above all... curiosity, the ability to laugh & play"
My belief is that play and fun are vital for the work we will do together.
I believe laughter, levity and lightness have intergral roles in navigating our darkness.
Be prepared to return to the way we were when we were five years old ~ curious & ​
"We are human beings, not human doings"
As you will notice from much of Re~Creation's offerings, I am a proponent of the importance of recreation & recreational activities in life as well as end-of-life. What we choose to do for fun or relief can be an incredible pathway to living with passion & purpose but it also allows us to rediscover what it feels like to simply be. What do I mean by that? I believe our recreational activities & hobbies are not always about 'doing' for a particular outcome but instead are a powerful reminder about the beauty of 'being' fully alive in the moment.
We have value not only because of what we accomplish but because of what we enjoy.
In times of transition, whether through life or at end-of-life ~ finding, rediscovering & focusing on what brings us joy as well as keeps us present (rather than pining for the past or fearing the future) can be an integral practice for relief in the midst of discomfort.
"Well if I have to face the crunchy stuff at least I can make it my choice"
I learned that life is really about learning to be comfortably uncomfortable ~ part of this work is sharing tools for sitting with discomfort (psychological, physical, emotional, spiritual) ​ We explore voluntary vs involuntary discomfort ~ and how to transform involuntary into voluntary in order to better navigate transitions
What we resist persists ~ did you know that physicologically if we allow an emotion and sensation to simply "be" and move through our bodies without resistance, making meaning from it or overthinking it... it can fade in as little as 60 - 90 seconds? ​
"It's time to move from reaction to response"
We can learn much from our past. It gives us unique insight into why we react the way we do.
Our coaching approach is designed to help you reflect on the past, not to dwell there.
​ ​
"It's time to move from reaction to response"
Many of us don't even know what it would feel like to thrive.
For those of you who are facing end-of-life, you may also think this phrase is inappropriate.
It is my belief that we should always live like we are dying ~ aware not only of our own fears, loss, self & care ~ but also conscious of our ability to choose how we experience these aspects of living.
​ ​
Beginning Your Adventure
Welcome to the first step on your journey to personal understanding & freedom!
If you are looking to explore your inner world, I would be honoured to be your guide on the side.
With over a decade of experience in coaching, I know that together we can navigate & integrate whatever you feel is holding you back from living your life fully.
Whether you choose my 1-on-1 coaching, self-guided programs, group programs or retreats...
I trust that we will be able to re~discover who you truly are & re~create your life from the inside out.
Book a call with me or download the Re~Creation app so we can map out the path to your highest good.
Here's to your unique life adventure!
My intention is that through meaningful conversations, meditations & donations, we can each choose our own adventure in the daily steps we take to re~create our inner world, knowing that when we do so, the impact we have is not only on how we show up in the world but what shows up for us in return.
Re~creating is not living a life of automatic repetition...
It is living a life mindful of our freedom to make conscious choices in our beliefs & behaviours so that we are aware & deliberate about what we are choosing to create again & what we want to create anew.
Thank you for bringing the Spirit of Adventure to your own unique journey of re~creation by being here!
Whether you choose to explore with me through 1-on-1 coaching, programs or retreats or our free offerings of meaningful conversation on the Recreation to Re~Creation Podcast or by discovering & deepening your practice with the Re~Creation Meditations, please know it is my honour to be beside you as a fellow student of life & at times perhaps a guide on the side helping to bring you back home to yourself as you navigate your unique life adventure.
Take your first step toward Re~Creation by booking a coaching call.
1-to-1 calls are not for everyone ~ but it is the best way of discovering what is possible for you.
If you would like to explore other opportunities...
Jen also offers coaching which is self-paced & through writing.
Find more information about Conversational Coaching here.
You will also be able to download our app soon.
This is really about you finding your own unique path through, and to, your best life & end-of-life.
Remember we have lots of free offerings to try before you buy.
Take time to remember you are your own expert & you are always free to change your mind.
Jen is ready to be beside you, whichever path you choose.