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You asked about my experience of... 


Just like you, I've had my fair share of both crunchy and smooth peanut butter in life. 

Both getting caught in storms and enjoying smooth sailing.


I see it now as the perfect curriculum for finding natural tools for navigating transition & has led me to being here to help you do the same in your own unique way.


My intention is that by sharing openly here you will see me as a safe, non-judgemental space to explore your own transitions.


As well as my own, I've been a witness and support to others through their own diverse experiences of transition ~ navigating the intersection between change & choice.


This includes... divorce, job loss, miscarriage, accidents, suicide, traumatic birth, racism in the workplace, sudden death, adultery, LGBTQIA+, retirement, chronic pain, head injury, estrangement, signficant investments, fitness & health journeys, terminal illness and more.


Needless to say, no matter what you're experiencing ~ you can't shock me.


Below is a brief summary of my personal & professional transitions.

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divorce ~ death ~ remarriage ~ pet relocation ~ bullying
moving schools ~ moving home ~ moving country ~ travel
moving schools ~ part-time work ~ volunteering ~ recreation ~ academics
bullying ~ dating ~ menstruation ~ caregiving ~ complex family health issues & events

university drop out ~ gap year ~ solo travel ~ part-time work ~ full-time work ~ volunteering
moving out of home ~ moving city ~ living communally ~ undergrad ~ palliative caregiving ~ death
academic bullying ~ serious relationship ~ multiple deaths ~
sexual assault ~ end of relationship ~ pet loss
friendship shifts ~ masters ~ research ~ remote travel ~ expeditions ~ filmmaking ~ business creation

living alone ~ dual citizenship ~ complex family health issues & events ~ academic workplace ~ moving city
multiple jobs ~ living with strangers ~ health issues ~ moving country ~ business creation ~ 
urban to rural move
not-for-profit creation ~ community engagement events ~ employer & manager ~ research ~ cross ocean expeditions science communication ~ international public speaking ~ caregiving ~ serious relationship ~ became godparent
multi-initiative management ~ multi-board member ~ multi-committee member ~ pandemic ~ complex caregiving burnout ~ business closure ~ end of relationship ~ community breakdown ~ depression & PTSD ~
talk & EMDR therapy part-time work ~ community shifts ~ complex family health issues & events ~ cancer scare ~ meditation initiation assisted suicide ~ meditation teacher training ~ podcast creation ~ end of employment ~ business creation ~
new seasonal work ~ end-of-life caregiving ~ death ~ international solo travel ~ end-of-life doula training...

Soooo... yeah.
Experiences have been had.
Feeling ready to work together?

Let's get started!

Not sure yet?


Why do you offer free options as well as paid & donate so much?

I want to know it all ~ take me wayyyy back!


Why should I learn meditation with you rather than the millions of other teachers... 

What are your certifications & experience... why should I trust you?

Why are you always getting so excited about recreational activities?



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